• Tune.FM transforms the music industry, empowering artists with up to 90% streaming revenue on its Web3 platform.
  • Backed by Hedera, Tune.FM secures $20 million, promising a decentralized future, challenging streaming norms and prioritizing revenue for artists.

The music industry takes a significant step towards decentralization with the injection of $20 million in capital into Tune.FM, the Hedera Hashgraph-based Web3 platform. This initiative, backed by alternative investment group LDA Capital, is aimed primarily at giving musicians a greater share of royalties from their work.

Challenging the Norm

Tune.FM, powered by Hedera Hashgraph‘s blockchain technology , stands as a bastion for musicians, offering them a platform to receive streaming micropayments on their native JAM token (JAM). In addition, the platform enables the creation of non fungible tokens (NFTs) for digital music assets and collectibles.

Tune.FM’s fundamental premise stems from criticism of conventional streaming platforms. In its statement sent to CoinDesk, the platform states:

“The problem with conventional streaming platforms is that large corporations take the lion’s share of the profits, leaving artists with a small slice of the pie.”

Tune.FM seeks to subvert this standard, offering artists up to 90% of their streaming revenue.

Towards Decentralization

Decentralization of industries where money and influence are concentrated in a few hands is a vision often touted as a potentially massive use case for blockchain technology.

While this possibility is compelling, it has yet to be demonstrated in practice. However, with the return of a bull market in digital assets, capital is expected to flow into platforms such as Tune.FM, providing them with the opportunity to put this theory into practice.

Tune.FM: Transforming the Industry

Tune.FM not only aspires to be a disruptor in the digital music space, but is committed to being a catalyst for change. By empowering artists with a significantly higher percentage of their earnings, the platform positions itself as a driving force to redefine the economic dynamics in the music industry.

A Decentralized Music Future

With the $20 million investment, Tune.FM firmly intends to consolidate its position as a leader in the Web3 music revolution. Creating an ecosystem where artists are fairly rewarded for their art is the vision that Tune.FM seeks to realize.

The platform will serve as a game changer in the music industry, challenging the status quo and paving a path towards a fairer and more equitable musical future. With the right financial backing, Tune.FM is poised to translate its ambitious goals into a tangibly harmonious reality for musicians around the world.

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As a content creator, Isai Alexei holds a degree in Marketing, providing a solid foundation for the exploration of technology and finance. Isai's journey into the crypto space began during academic years, where the transformative potential of blockchain technology was initially grasped. Intrigued, Isai delved deeper, ultimately making the inaugural cryptocurrency investment in Bitcoin. Witnessing the evolution of the crypto landscape has been both exciting and educational. Ethereum, with its smart contract capabilities, stands out as Isai's favorite, reflecting a genuine enthusiasm for cutting-edge web3 technologies. Business Email: Phone: +49 160 92211628

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