Everywhere nowadays we hear about passive income. Earning without having to move a finger is what we all dream of. Getting rich by investing in quality assets? Sign me up! Fortunately, the crypto sector has loads of ways to earn interest on digital assets. From staking to deposits accounts, you can earn passive income with a higher yield that could ever be possible with traditional assets.

However, as with anything crypto, you have to be careful. While full of opportunities, you have to know where to look to avoid unpleasant losses that could leave you in the red. It is important for investors entering this space to do their research diligently and only place their funds in quality coins on proven platforms. Of course, with so many choices available, picking the best options is easier said than done. In this article let us take a look at some of the earning solutions that show great promise in 2022.

Passive Crypto Income Platforms To Consider


Binance is a known giant in the crypto space, and, among other things, it offers crypto interest earning solutions. The Binance Earn feature excels at offering extremely flexible DeFi passive income options, allowing investors to earn with staking, deposits and crypto farming. Investors can choose how long they between fixed and flexible rate and receive varying returns for the risk taken. On top of that, Binance offers over 180 different cryptocurrencies, from the big names to more exotic projects that offer high risk and of course higher rewards.


YouHolder is a DeFi platform founded in Switzerland in 2017, that excels in making crypto deposits accessible to anyone and has amassed over 150 thousand users. User’s funds are also extremely safe from hacks as the company also offers security services.

YouHodler users can earn a rate of up to 15% on over 50 different assets that go through large to mid and small-cap coins. What sets YouHolder apart is the weekly compounding feature that allows for exponentially higher earnings. Additionally, investors are not bound to any lock period meaning they can withdraw their funds any time they see fit. is a MetaFi ecosystem that offers a variety of earning products. Among them is the recently launched Web3.0 Interest Accounts. The service allows users the chance to earn high yields on their USDT/USDC assets. On top of that, investors can also choose to deposit’s native CHO token for even higher yields.

With 6, 12, and 24-month locking periods, users can get 13%, 15%, and 16% APY respectively on USDT/USDC. And if they give preference to using the CHO token, those figures become 13% APY for 6 months, 25% APY for 12 months, and 26% APY for 24 months.

As with most platforms, interest will be received in the same currency you lock. excels at offering a range of earning options for users with varying levels of risk tolerance. After accessing the platform, investors can choose safe, moderate, and risky account options, having the freedom to choose whatever strategy suits them best.

DeFi Swap 

DeFi Swap is a crypto interest earning solution that offers a staking platform and exchange powered by their native DeFi Coin (DEFC).

Staking on DeFi Swap can yield you up to 75% APY across 4 lock-up periods. Depositing your funds for 30 days will earn you 30% APY, 90 days earn 45% APY, 180 days earn 60% APY, and 360 days earn 75% APY.

However, a word of caution is needed. The extremely high rates come with significant additional risks and a 10% transaction fee, so make sure to do your research before committing funds.


Earning crypto passive income can be quite daunting for beginners entering the space, but when chosen wisely, these platforms can provide reliable and profitable services in accordance with your risk tolerance and level of experience. Bottom line is, crypto can make you a lot of passive income, the trick is in doing it right. Ultimately it’s up to individual investors to choose the earning strategy and platform that best fits their needs.

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This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. The content does not constitute a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any securities or financial instruments. Readers should conduct their own research and consult with financial advisors before making investment decisions. The information presented may not be current and could become outdated.
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