• Deutsche Bank-backed Taurus partners with fintech platform Teylor, advancing credit tokenization for German SMEs.
  • Taurus and Teylor’s collaboration sets a precedent in financial digitization, expanding access to credit in the SME sector.

In the context of an accelerated financial transformation towards digitization, Taurus, a Swiss entity specialized in the custody of digital assets backed by Deutsche Bank, has made a major strategic move.

Deutsche Bank-Backed Taurus Starts Tokenizing German SME Loans
Deutsche Bank-Backed Taurus Starts Tokenizing German SME Loans

The company has formalized a partnership with Teylor, an innovative Zurich-based financial services technology platform dedicated to providing credit solutions in the German small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) niche.

This collaboration represents a major breakthrough for the sector, setting a new precedent in the tokenization of financial assets and access to credit in Germany’s corporate sector.

The New Era of Tokenized Assets

ICO Initial coin offering business financial internet innovation technology concept
Crypto custody specialist Taurus has partnered with lending company Teylor.

As of last Thursday, Teylor has begun offering tokens from its credit portfolio which, after careful design by law firm Allen and Overy, are now ready to be traded on Taurus’ TDX secondary market. This is no small thing: we are talking about a tokenization process involving a Luxembourg-based investment vehicle, complying with all Swiss and European regulations.

An Institutional Investment Injection

Lamine Brahimi, co-founder of Taurus, tells us that these tokenized debt products for the German SME market are going to receive “pioneering” investments from institutional investors in the next two weeks. The impressive detail? The face value of the transactions Taurus has handled so far exceeds $1 trillion, including tokenized equity, debt, structural products and even art.

Switzerland: Pioneering Financial Tokenization

That Switzerland, a country known for its openness to cryptocurrencies, is giving institutional-level blockchain treatment to a variety of asset classes doesn’t surprise us. But it does excite us. The tokenization of traditional finance is taking off globally, and Switzerland is in the cockpit.

Teylor: Supporting Germany’s Dynamic Economy

With loans ranging from €100,000 to €1.5 million, Teylor is boosting Germany’s anything but boring Mittelstand economy. And with the backing of giants like the British bank Barclays, Teylor is not playing in minor leagues: last month they offered nearly $25 million in loans.

Game-changing loans

Patrick Stäuble, CEO of Teylor, puts it this way:

“We give loans to companies usually turning over between five and 50 million, which are perhaps too big for a bank branch and too small for a corporate finance department.”

And these are not just any loans; we are talking about financing for exceptional German companies in sectors ranging from industrial and chemical to precision machinery and foreign trade.

What does all this tell us?

That the arrival of tokenization is not a tale of the future. It’s already here and it’s transforming the way SMEs raise finance. With Taurus and Teylor at the forefront, the fusion of blockchain technology with traditional financial services is already breaking exciting new ground.

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This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. The content does not constitute a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any securities or financial instruments. Readers should conduct their own research and consult with financial advisors before making investment decisions. The information presented may not be current and could become outdated.

As a content creator, Isai Alexei holds a degree in Marketing, providing a solid foundation for the exploration of technology and finance. Isai's journey into the crypto space began during academic years, where the transformative potential of blockchain technology was initially grasped. Intrigued, Isai delved deeper, ultimately making the inaugural cryptocurrency investment in Bitcoin. Witnessing the evolution of the crypto landscape has been both exciting and educational. Ethereum, with its smart contract capabilities, stands out as Isai's favorite, reflecting a genuine enthusiasm for cutting-edge web3 technologies. Business Email: Phone: +49 160 92211628

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