
    On October 15, Parity Technologies held sub0, a free online conference dedicated to its Substrate software development framework. The sub0 event helped attendees develop technical skills, get to grips with tools for building superior blockchain infrastructure and applications,…

    The business magazine Bloomberg has chosen Polkadot as the new Ethereum Killer. However, experts in the industry believe that both projects can coexist and have significant differences. In the past, there have already been many projects that wanted…

    Cryptocurrencies are becoming a part of the life of an increasing number of people, but unfortunately, not everyone approaches this issue carefully enough. Before you start diving into the world of crypto, you must study all the pitfalls.…

    Orient Commercial Joint Stock Bank (OCB) with an estimated value of $4.6 billion joins RippleNet. OCB has potential ties to the Chinese government and its integration could lead to greater adoption of Ripple in Asia. Phong Nguyen, VP,…

    Pantera Capital considers possible investment in UNI governance token of the Ethereum DeFi protocol, Uniswap. UNI price stabilizes in the $3 range and records profits after Bloomberg’s publication. Ethereum DeFi receives attention beyond the crypto space. A Bloomberg…

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