Although all Monero transactions are anonymous by default, Monero users may use the “wrong” wallet to compromise their privacy. In this article we give you an overview of what you need to be aware of if you want to send completely private transactions and which Monero (XMR) wallets are suitable for it.

Before we delve deeper into the subject, it is very important that you have a basic understanding of cryptocurrencies, cryptography and crypto wallets. Therefore we would like to give you a short theoretical introduction. If you already know your way around, you can skip this part!

The basic knowledge about wallets for cryptocurrencies:
Simply put, you can imagine a crypto wallet like a digital wallet. The only difference to an ordinary wallet is that the Crypto Wallet does not store the money itself, but the access keys for the cryptocurrency.

The access key is called “private key” in the technical language. Depending on “how” the private key is stored, a basic distinction is made between one and the other:

  • Cold wallet and
  • Hot wallet

is made. The distinguishing feature here is whether the private key has a connection to the Internet or not. The private keys in cold wallets are never connected to the Internet. In contrast, the private keys in hot wallets are connected to the Internet, which is why they are considered less secure. This is because hackers have a point of attack over the Internet connection to steal the private keys.

This is also the reason why large investment firms and cryptocurrency exchanges store most of their customers’ money on cold wallets to keep Monero (XMR) and other cryptocurrencies as secure as possible for their customers. You should take this as an example! As a private investor, you can buy cold wallets in the form of hardware wallets that store the private keys offline and offer the best possible protection according to today’s technology standards.

In addition to the cold wallet, there are three different types of hot wallets, which differ in that the private keys are stored on different media, all of which are connected to the Internet. These are:

  • Monero Desktop wallets
  • Monero Mobile wallets
  • Monero Online walletss
What is the Private Key anyway?

The term originates from asymmetric cryptography, a process in which each user generates his or her own key pair consisting of a private key and a public key. The private key is a randomly generated string that represents the ownership of the cryptocurrency. The public key is (to put it simply) the wallet address or its hash value. In contrast to the public key (the address), the private key must never be passed on. If you control the private key, you can also access the corresponding address and send the corresponding XMR.

Another special feature of Monero is that there are two private keys: the Private Spend Key and the Private View Key. The Spend Key is used to output Monero. More specifically, the key is used to create unique private keys that allow you to send associated output. The Private View Key is used to recognize incoming transactions on the encrypted blockchain.

As mentioned earlier, transactions on the Monero Blockchain are automatically private. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, where anonymity in the form of private (i.e. encrypted) transactions is optional, i.e. must be selected, Monero always anonymizes all transactions in terms of transaction amount, recipient and destination address. However, this anonymity can be lost.

If you are looking for a Monero Wallet, you should always consider the following points:

  • Monero’s storage on exchanges results in you revealing your IP address and your identity. Since most exchanges and brokers have to retrieve and store the personal data of their customers due to the Anti-Money-Laundering (AML) and Know-Your-Customer (KYC) laws, your anonymity is completely lost. Therefore, if you want to make private transactions, you should always use other wallets.
  • It is also important to know if the wallet supports sub-addresses. These are very important because you can create different sub-addresses. The transactions then still go into the same wallet (as they are assigned to a public address) without the addresses being linked to each other. This prevents the sender of a transaction from linking further payments to your public address. Although the Monero protocol has supported sub-addresses since 2017, not all wallets offer this feature. You can find an overview of this in the article below.

Irrespective of anonymity, we would like to give you two more recommendations:

1.Even before buying Monero (click here to read our guide), you should have already set up a Monero Wallet. If you buy Monero with Fiat money from a broker, you can enter your own wallet address in the purchase process. This can save you a few extra fees on some trading platforms. 2.You should keep in mind that cryptocurrency exchanges are very popular targets for hackers. In recent years, there have been countless hacks in which security holes have been found by hackers and large quantities of cryptocurrencies have been stolen. Online wallets in the form of exchange wallets are therefore the least secure and worst option for storing Monero (XMR).

Our clear recommendation is therefore to set up one of the wallets presented below and to manage the Private Key yourself.

The best Monero hardware wallets

Cold wallets in the form of hardware Wallets are the safest and best option to store your Monero Private Keys. Of all wallet types, hardware wallets offer the highest level of security that individual investors can obtain. They are also more practical than a Monero Paper Wallet.

Hardware wallets provide the best possible protection because the private key is stored on the device in an isolated manner and never comes into contact with the Internet. Even if a Monero transaction is released, the private key signature is only executed on the hardware wallet. The operating systems of the devices are programmed so that only other components go online to communicate with the blockchain. This means that hackers have practically no way of intercepting the private key (e.g. via keylogger or phishing attack).

The best hardware wallets are not only protected against digital theft, but also against “analog” theft. If a thief steals the device, hardware wallets offer different security levels so that the cryptocurrencies cannot be stolen. Each of the three hardware wallets presented below requires both PIN activation and 2-factor authentication (if activated). This means that theft of stored private keys is virtually impossible, even in the event of physical theft.

Because of this, hardware wallets are by far the safest way to manage your Monero (XMR). Especially if you want to buy larger quantities of Monero, we think you can’t avoid buying a hardware wallet. The price (of 120 Euro) for our test winner, the Ledger Nano X, is not only fair, but in relation to your investment probably to be regarded as comparatively cheap.

In the following box we have compiled an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of hardware wallets:

The advantages of Monero hardware wallets:
✅ Highest security standard
✅ Storage of private keys offline
✅ Hardware wallets mostly support a large number of cryptocurrencies
✅ Regular updates by the manufacturers
✅ Need for physical confirmation on the device for each transaction
✅ Very good customer support
The disadvantages of hardware wallets are:
Not free of charge
❌ No deposit insurance as offered by eToro
The best 3 Hardware Wallets in 2024
Hardware WalletInfoTest
Ledger Nano X kaufen

⚡ OUR test champion: The Ledger Nano X
✅ Manage 100 cryptocurrencies simultaneously
✅ Compatible with more than 1,100 cryptocurrencies
✅ Bluetooth connection for mobile wallet
✅ New flagship of the market leader
⛔ Price: 99,00 € - in the middle range

Testbericht lesen

Read our review

Ledger Nano S kaufen

⚡ Best price/performance ratio: The Ledger Nano S
✅ Very good Price: 59,90 €
✅ Compatible with more than 1,100 cryptocurrencies
✅ Proven quality: more than 1.3 million units already sold
⛔ Manage max. 5 cryptocurrencies simultaneously

Testbericht Ledger Nano S

Read our review

Trezor Model T kaufen

⚡ 3rd place: The Trezor Model T
✅ Over 1,000 cryptocurrencies supported
✅ Proven quality from Trezor
✅ Firmware is not installed on the device until you start it
⛔ In comparison to the Nano X: less features and functions 
⛔ High price: about 180 €

Testbericht Trezor Model T

Read our review

1.Ledger Nano X

The Ledger Nano X is our test winner out of 8 different hardware wallets, which we tested personally. The wallet is the successor of the Ledger Nano S. After the Nano S has become a little bit older, Ledger presented the Ledger Nano X in May 2019, which offers numerous new features:

  • Bluetooth function: The Ledger Nano X can be operated via smartphone (via the Ledger Live App) so that it can be used as a mobile wallet. The private keys are still isolated and securely stored on the hardware wallet.
  • More memory space: The internal memory of the device has been significantly increased compared to the Ledger Nano S. The internal memory of the device has been increased by a large amount. The Nano X offers space for up to 100 apps in total, so that now up to 100 cryptocurrencies can be managed simultaneously (without installing and uninstalling apps).
  • Larger display: In addition to the memory, Ledger has also enlarged the display. This allows the reception addresses to be shown completely on the display, so that scrolling, as with the Nano S, is no longer necessary.
  • Improved security: The central component of the hardware wallet, the security chip, was completely revised and subsequently certified by the French cyber security authority ANSSI.

Insider knowledge: The Monero App was developed by Ledger in collaboration with the Monero community. Since Monero has two private keys due to its security features, both the “Private View Key” and the “Private Spend Key” required to output the XMR are stored on the Ledger device.

Conclusion: In our opinion the Ledger Nano X is currently the best hardware wallet on the market! The Ledger Monero App makes managing and sending Monero not only secure, but also very easy and straightforward. You can find more details about the Nano X in our detailed guide and review of the Ledger Nano X.

Supported cryptocurrencies

The Legder Nano X can store the private keys of over 1,100 different cryptocurrencies. With this large number of supported cryptocurrencies, there is hardly a well-known coin that is not supported. When new cryptocurrencies come onto the market, Ledger is basically also very quick to support the coin.

Another advantage of the Nano X is that up to 100 apps can be installed on the device at the same time (instead of only 5 apps on the Nano S) and thus up to 100 cryptocurrencies can be managed simultaneously.

The operation of the Ledger Nano X is very simple and intuitive and is done via the 2 buttons on the top. In addition to the hardware, the Ledger Live App is required to view the portfolio and perform transactions.
Transparency & Fees
The Ledger Live Software is Open Source and therefore tested by the crypto community. However, the operating system is a secret. Ledger justifies this with the fact that “the level of physical security cannot be achieved with generic chips”.

The transaction fees for XMR are displayed transparently. They correspond to the network charges. There are no costs for using the Ledger services (beyond the purchase price for the Nano X).

Ledger’s technology is considered the industry leader. This applies not only to the private customer segment, but also to the corporate segment. The French company has numerous cooperations, including with Neufund, and Switcheo. In addition, the global Samsung Group announced a 2.6 million Dollar investment in April 2019.

The Bluetooth feature, which was initially strongly criticized by the crypto community, is also considered safe and does not pose a security risk for your Monero (XMR). As Ledger clarified after the launch of the Nano X, only non-critical data (not the private key and not the recovery seed) is transferred via Bluetooth. Furthermore, a release with the Ledger Nano X is always necessary to send transactions. Thus the Bluetooth can be used without hesitation.

2.Ledger Nano S

The Ledger Nano S is already a few years old and was replaced in May 2019 by the Nano X as the current hardware wallet model. Nevertheless, we believe that there are still some good reasons for purchasing Ledger’s long-standing successful model.

The most obvious reason is the very low price of only 59 Euro. In addition, the Nano S is still one of the most secure and reliable hardware wallets on the market. The Nano S has already been sold more than 1.3 million times worldwide, which clearly speaks for the quality of the wallet. In addition, hackers have never managed to steal cryptocurrencies from the device since the release of the wallet.

Conclusion: If you can live without the new features of Ledger Nano X and only want to manage a small number of cryptocurrencies, Ledger Nano S is ideal for you. You get a hardware wallet whose price/performance ratio is unbeatable.

Supported cryptocurrencies
Just like the Legder Nano X the Nano S is operated with the Ledger Live Software. Using Ledger Live, the Nano S can store over 1,100 different cryptocurrencies (or their private keys). Due to the small memory only 5 Apps can be installed at the same time. This means that users must always install and uninstall the various cryptocurrency apps (the data / account balances are not lost!). If you don’t mind this small effort, the Nano S is the best choice for you.
The operation of the Ledger Nano S is also very simple and intuitive. This is done via the 2 buttons on the device. Additionally the Ledger Live App is required. Both Nano S and Nano X use the same Ledger Live software. The software allows you to send and receive cryptocurrencies and view your account balance and portfolio in real time.
Transparency & Fees
The Ledger Live Software is open source software whose source code is publicly available. However, the operating system of the Ledger devices is a trade secret.  The fees for a transaction (network fees) are transparently listed in the Ledger Live Software. Ledger itself does not charge any additional fees.
Ledger’s technologies are industry-leading and are not only implemented in Ledger’s hardware wallets, but are also used by various companies to store the private keys of cryptocurrencies. 

3.Trezor Model T

Almost at the same time as Ledger, SatoshiLabs has launched a new hardware wallet with the Trezor Model T. Just like Ledger, SatoshiLabs has completely reworked its long-standing success model, the Trezor One. As a result, some new cryptocurrencies are now supported with which the Trezor One is not compatible. This also includes Monero (XMR). Using Monero’s third party software – the Monero GUI Wallet and Monero CLI Wallet (via command line) – the Trezor Model T can now send and receive XMR.

In addition, the Trezor model has some other new features and improvements:

  • Touchscreen: The Trezor Model T has a touch screen that must be used to release the transactions on the device.
  • Firmware Upgrade: Trezor Core has been completely reworked and improved for security reasons.
  • More powerful processor: The new Model T has a faster processor, which makes operation even smoother.
  • Card slot for Micro-SD: Furthermore, a Micro-SD card slot has been added which can be used for data encryption.
  • USB-C Port: The “old” USB port has been replaced by the new industry standard, USB-C.

Conclusion: In our opinion, the Ledger Nano X is a little bit better than the Trezor Model T in a direct price/performance comparison. This is because the Nano X is much cheaper. In addition, the Nano X has a few more features, offers more native apps, requires less third-party software, and is more intuitive to use. Nevertheless, the Trezor Model T is one of the best hardware wallets on the market. Due to the price of about 180 Euro the Trezor Model T only came in 3rd in our ranking.

Supported cryptocurrencies
The Trezor Model T can manage more than 1,000 cryptocurrencies using third-party software. Something of a pity is that not all crypto assets can be sent and received with the Trezor Bridge software (currently only 51 cryptocurrencies). A complete list of supported cryptocurrencies can be found on the official Trezor website.
The Trezor Model T is very high quality. The touch display works very well and simply. In addition, the new Trezor Bridge software offers numerous new functions.
Transparency & Fees
The Trezor software and hardware is largely open source and publicly available on GitHub. The code was designed by Trezor with third-party extensibility in mind. There are no additional fees for using the Trezor software other than the purchase price of the device and Monero’s network charges.
Ledger and Trezor are the best known and most popular manufacturers of hardware wallets worldwide. With the Trezor One, Trezor has launched the first hardware wallet on the market, which was widely used. This gives Trezor the longest experience in the development of hardware wallets, which is also reflected in the quality and security standards of the Trezor Model T

The best Monero desktop wallets

Desktop wallets are hot wallets and are programs that are installed on a computer in order to manage, send and receive Monero (XMR) via them. If one compares the security level of the different wallet types in a ranking, desktop wallets are located between hardware wallets and online wallets. They are more secure than online wallets, but less secure than hardware wallets. Compared to online wallets, they have the very important advantage that the private keys are stored on the user’s own computer and not on a company server. Thus, the users of the Desktop Wallet and no third party, not even the developers of the Monero Desktop Wallet, have access to your crypto assets.

However, this advantage also entails a great deal of responsibility. Since the private keys are stored on the user’s own computer (encrypted), the user himself is responsible for protecting the private keys from hackers. Due to the (presumably) permanent connection to the Internet, there is an increased risk of malware. This means that it is very important to keep the computer up to date with security updates for the operating system. In addition, anti-virus and anti-spyware software should be installed as a matter of urgency and should be updated regularly. In order to increase anonymity, it is also recommended to use Tor and / or VPN.

If these instructions are followed, Desktop Wallet offer a very good security standard. From our point of view they are the best alternative if you are looking for a free wallet for Monero (XMR). Below we have created an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of a desktop wallet:

The advantages of Monero Desktop wallets are:
✅ Sole control over the private keys
✅ Higher security standard than with online wallets
✅ No acquisition costs – use is free of charge
✅ Multi-Coin-wallets support many different cryptocurrencies
✅ Regular updates by the developers
The disadvantages of Monero Desktop wallets:
❌ Less security than using a hardware wallet (more vulnerable to hacker attacks)
❌ No deposit insurance, e.g. with the eToro Wallet
❌ Be careful when choosing an unknown wallet: There are known cases of fraud.
The best Monero Desktop wallets
  1. MyMonero Desktop Wallet (Windows, Mac, Linux)
  2. Monero GUI Wallet (Windows, Mac, Linux)
  3. Exodus Wallet (Windows, Mac, Linux)

1.MyMonero Desktop Wallet

Mymonero wallet

Within the Monero community, the MyMonero Desktop Wallet is one of the most popular wallets for XMR. One reason for this is that the wallet is published by the core developers of Monero and is also based on open source code. This allows the wallet to be considered very trustworthy and secure. As is to be expected, the MyMonero Desktop Wallet stores the private keys locally on the user’s computer, and not on the MyMonero servers.

Unlike some other Monero wallets, the MyMonero Wallet can be set up and used without much technical knowledge. So from our point of view the MyMonero Desktop Wallet is the best because it is the easiest to use Monero Wallet. However, MyMonero makes two small compromises for this purpose, which benefit the user friendliness.

Instead of synchronizing the blockchain locally on the computer, the wallet sends the once generated Private View Key to the MyMonero server to find incoming transactions. This has the disadvantage that if MyMonero’s servers are compromised, the Private View Key will be compromised. In the worst case, the hackers can see the transactions received via the address.

Due to the stealth addresses of Monero, the hacker cannot recognize where the transaction came from. However, it is not possible to send (i.e. steal) your Monero because this requires the Private Send Key, which is not sent to the MyMonero server. The advantage is that, unlike the Monero GUI Wallet or Cake Wallet, the user does not have to wait long for the Monero blockchain to synchronize with the wallet. A further, low risk is that the users of the wallet send the transactions to a remote server, which gives them the IP address of the computer for the transaction. To solve this problem, users can use Tor and / or VPN. Another disadvantage of the MyMonero Wallet is that it does not support sub-addresses.

In addition, the MyMonero Desktop Wallet has a few features that are very convenient for the “average user”. The wallet offers a function to drag and drop QR codes into the application to automatically fill in the transaction address and a function to store addresses in a contact book.

Conclusion: If you can live with the compromises of the wallet, then the MyMonero Desktop Wallet is a very good option. It is aimed in particular at newcomers and users who do not operate a full node and do not wish to download the entire blockchain. If this is a possibility for you, you should have a look at the Monero GUI Wallet, which is not quite as user-friendly, but does not have the risks presented.

The download file for the Wallet program can be found on the official MyMonero website.

Supported cryptocurrencies
As the name suggests, the MyMonero Wallet only supports Monero (XMR).
The operation of the wallet is very simple and intuitive even for beginners. Because the MyMonero servers synchronize with the blockchain, the wallet is also very fast.
Transparency & Fees
The wallet is based on open source code that is accessible to everyone and has been publicly reviewed. There are no additional fees for the use of the Wallet.
Basically the MyMonero Wallet can be considered very secure. However, as described above, there are two compromises regarding anonymity for better usability.

2.Monero GUI Wallet

The Monero GUI Wallet is the official desktop client of Monero, which the core developers are continuously developing. There’s a catch, though. The Monero GUI Desktop Wallet is a full node wallet: this means that the users of the wallet have to download the complete Monero Blockchain (70 GB) and synchronize it continuously. For this, the wallet uses a “daemon” (i.e. a program) that runs permanently in the background to synchronize the wallet with the network.

For the permanent synchronization of the node with the network, considerable computer resources are also required, in particular bandwidth and computing power. The advantage, however, is that the users of the GUI Wallet can actively participate in Monero Mining. All you have to do is make a few settings in the wallet and you can start mining afterwards.

However, it should be noted that this is only really effective if the computer has a powerful multi-core processor and mining can use much of the computing power of the computer. In terms of anonymity and security, the Monero GUI Wallet is highly recommended as you can increase your anonymity even further compared to the MyMonero Wallet. This is how you send your transactions and thus your IP to the Monero blockchain via your own full node (and not via a remote server).

Also, you don’t have to trust MyMonero’s servers that they will not be compromised, and you are responsible for the security of your node. In addition, the Monero GUI Wallet includes a password that protects the Wallet file with the private keys on your computer. In addition, a 25 word recovery seed phrase can be created to recover the wallet in case of a defect using the recovery seed. Another advantage of the GUI Wallet is that it supports sub-addresses.

Conclusion: Unlike the MyMonero Wallet, the Monero GUI Wallet is by no means suitable for beginners! It has a relatively simple and clear user interface. Nevertheless, a certain basic technical knowledge is required. If you have this and a powerful multi-core processor, you can easily participate in the mining of XMR using the wallet. The wallet is available for Windows, Mac and Linux users on the official website.

Supported cryptocurrencies
The Monero GUI Wallet is developed exclusively for Monero (XMR).
With some technical knowledge the operation of the wallet is very easy. Due to the technical requirements – a full node must be operated – the wallet is aimed at advanced players and people who want to operate Monero Mining.
Transparency & Fees
The source code of the wallet is open source and therefore completely transparent. As with the other desktop wallets, there are no costs for using the software.
The Monero GUI Wallet offers the highest security a desktop wallet can provide for Monero. Very pleasing is that it is compatible with the above mentioned Ledger and Trezor hardware wallets , so that the Monero GUI Wallet can be used in combination with them as cold storage.

3.Monero Guarda desktop und mobile Wallet

The Guarda Wallet is a Multi-Coin-Wallet that supports Monero and 50 crypto currencies. The Guarda Wallet can be used as a desktop or mobile wallet. Although Guarda also offers a web wallet, this is the least secure version. The strongest security offers the mobile or the Monero Desktop Wallet.

The private keys are stored either on your smartphone or on your PC, depending on which device you use. The wallet is easy to set up, so even beginners will quickly find their way around. The interface is simple and intuitive.

You can download the wallet from the official website.

Supported cryptocurrencies
The wallet supports more than 50 different cryptocurrencies. These include prominent coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero and many more..
The download is free and the wallet is set up quickly and easily. The wallet interface is clear and intuitive, so that even beginners can use the wallet..
Transparency & Fees
The download as well as the use is completely free of charge. There are no further fees. Only the normal network fees of the Bitcoin Blockchain apply for sending transactions.
The wallet offers a very good protection. Your private keys are stored on your computer or smartphone. It is not yet possible to set up 2-factor authentication, so be sure to use an up-to-date virus program.

3.Exodus Monero Wallet

Exodus Wallet

The Exodus Wallet is one of the few (prominent) Multi-Coin wallets that supports Monero (XMR). It is one of the oldest Multi-Coin wallets and was launched in July 2016. Since then it has gained a broad user base. Currently the Exodus Wallet can send, receive and manage more than 100 different cryptocurrencies. In addition to the main function, the Multi-Coin-Wallet offers two other features in particular:

  • a portfolio tracker (in 30 Fiat currencies)
  • and an integrated exchange service from ShapeShift

The security and anonymity of the wallet is basically good. The private keys are stored locally and encrypted on the user’s computer and no personal data is requested before the download. Furthermore, neither the developers nor other third parties have access to the private keys. However, Exodus’s Multi-Coin Wallet also represents a compromise between usability and security. There are four problems associated with Monero that can affect your anonymity:

  • Reuse of addresses: A disadvantage of the Exodus Wallet in connection with Monero is that it does not support sub-addresses.
  • Closed source code: The wallet is not open source.
  • Backup function via e-mail: Sending the backup by e-mail is potentially unsafe.
  • No 2-factor authentication (2FA): Since there is no 2FA, hackers “only” need to crack the password via the e-mail and then have full access to the wallet.

Conclusion: To preserve your anonymity, you should rather choose one of the two wallets mentioned above to manage XMR on your computer. Due to the special features of Monero, the Exodus Wallet is rather unsuitable for sending and receiving Monero. Otherwise, you could jeopardize your privacy. However, if you consider Monero only as an investment and don’t value the anonymity features, the Exodus Wallet can be a good choice.

You can download the wallet from the official Exodus website (click here!). The Wallet is available as desktop version for Windows, Mac and Linux. Smartphone versions for iOS and Android are also available.

Supported cryptocurrencies
The Exodus Wallet supports over 100 cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, EOS, Bitcoin Cash, Binance Coin, Tron, Stellar, XRP, Vechain and Monero as well as a variety of ERC20 tokens.
The wallet is known for its ease of use and intuitive design. On the dashboard, users can view current market trends and developments in their own portfolio. A special feature of the wallet is that the portfolio balances can be displayed in over 30 fiat currencies.
Transparency & Fees
Within the crypto community the Exodus Wallet has a big point of criticism and this is transparency: The Wallet is not Open Source. Accordingly, users must rely on the trustworthiness of the Wallet’s developers.

In principle, there are no additional fees for the Exodus Wallet. Only if you use ShapeShift’s built-in service to exchange cryptocurrencies you have to pay a variable fee of 2-5 percent.

During the initial installation, the users are prompted to create a 12-word recovery seed phrase. In case your computer breaks down, the wallet can be restored over it. Beyond that no personal data of the users are stored on the servers of Exodus. The private keys and transaction data are encrypted and stored locally on the mobile devices.

Mobile Monero wallets for iOS and Android

Mobile wallets have the great advantage that they can also be used on the road to manage XMR. In addition, they work on (almost) every smartphone, as the requirements are very low. In principle, they have a lot in common with desktop wallets, which is why many manufacturers now offer both a desktop and a smartphone version of their wallets.

This is not the case with Monero, however, as very few providers of multi-coin wallets have integrated Monero’s complex technology into their wallets, as is the case with desktop wallets. The following recommendations for iOS and Android are two Monero specific developments and a Multi-Coin-Wallet. Technically, mobile Monero wallets have the same advantages and disadvantages as mobile wallets for other cryptocurrencies. For example, the private keys (with reputable providers) are stored on the user’s smartphone, which gives the user control but also increased responsibility.

The topic of smartphones is even exacerbated by the fact that many smartphone users use public hotspots. In these public networks, the data to be transmitted (without own security measures) is not encrypted.

Therefore it is all the more important for mobile wallets to protect the smartphone with updates for the operating system and anti-virus and anti-malware software (if possible). In addition, a program for data encryption should be considered (VPN, Tor Browser, etc).

In the box below we have compiled an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of mobile wallets:

The advantages of mobile Monero wallets:
✅ Access to Monero (XMR) via Smartphone
✅ Access to the Wallet from anywhere where there is an Internet connection
✅ No acquisition costs – use is free of charge
✅ Multi-Coin wallets can support many different cryptocurrencies
✅ The user interface is often very simple and intuitive.
The disadvantages of mobile Monero wallets:
Less security than with a hardware wallet
❌ No deposit insurance, as offered e.g. by eToro Wallet
❌ More vulnerable to hacker or phishing attacks
The best Monero wallets for iOS and Android
  1. Cake Wallet (iOS)
  2. Moneroju Wallet (Android) 
  3. Edge Wallet (iOS und Android)

1.Cake Wallet (iOS)

Cake wallet

If you own an iPhone and are looking for a Monero Wallet, the Cake Wallet is our first choice. Compared to the MyMonero Desktop Wallet, it even offers a higher level of security and anonymity, so you should consider whether you prefer the Cake Wallet to the Desktop Wallet!

The Cake Wallet offers the essential advantage that both the Private Send Key and the Private View Key never leave the smartphone. The Private View Key is not sent to an external server. In addition, the iOS operating system restricts access to the root level, making it more secure than most desktop computers. The only disadvantage of the Cake Wallet is that it must first synchronize with the Monero Blockchain. Depending on when the wallet was created or when the last synchronization was performed, this can take a considerable amount of time and bandwidth. If this is too complicated for you and takes too long, the mobile version of the MyMonero Wallet is the better (but unsafe) option for you.

Another advantage of the Cake Wallet (compared to the MyMonero Wallet) is that it has a number of practical functions, in addition to the usual wallet functions. The wallet has an integrated Monero Exchange Service, with which XMR can be exchanged for various other cryptocurrencies. Sub-addresses are also supported.

Supported cryptocurrencies
Exclusively Monero (XMR).
The installation is the same as with a normal app. Operation is very simple due to the clear user interface. This makes the Cake Wallet ideal even for beginners.
Transparency & Fees
The source code of the Cake Wallet is completely open source, so the Wallet has already been reviewed by the community. As usual, only the XMR network fees are charged. There are no costs for the download from the App Store or for the use.
As previously described, the security of the Cake Wallet is very strong and even better than most Monero desktop wallets, such as the MyMonero Wallet.

2.Moneroju Wallet (Android)

Moneroju wallet

If you own an Android smartphone, the Monerujo Wallet is our top recommendation for you. The Monerujo App is an open-source wallet developed by the Monero community, which is recommended by the Monero developers on the official Monero website and can be classified as very serious and safe. This is partly due to the fact that it is open source software and the source code can be viewed on GitHub. On the other hand, the wallet stores Monero’s private keys only on the smartphone and not on any corporate servers. Another advantage of the Monerujo Wallet is that it supports sub-addresses.

Like the MyMonero Wallet, the Monerujo Wallet is a Light Client. This means that you don’t have to download the entire Monero blockchain, which is great from a usability point of view as there are no long waiting times during synchronization. The disadvantage, however, is that the Monerujo Wallet must use remote nodes to synchronize with the Monero blockchain. This causes the same “problems” that we have described in detail in the MyMonero Desktop Wallet:

  • the (unique) Private View Key reaches an external server
  • the IP address of the user can be linked to the transaction

Both “problems” can pose a security risk to anonymity, even if the risk is rather low. In particular, the second problem can be solved by using a VPN and / or Tor.

Supported cryptocurrencies
Only Monero (XMR) can be managed with the Monerujo Wallet.
Both the installation (from the Google Play Store) and the operation are very quick and easy to learn. The wallet is ideal for newcomers to the crypto space.
Transparency & Fees
The wallet is an open source wallet developed by the Monero Community, and therefore completely transparent. The download is free of charge. There are also no additional fees for use.
Security is, apart from the two “problems”, good. To backup the wallet, a 25-word mnemonic seed phrase can be created, allowing the wallet to be restored if the Android smartphone fails.

3.Edge Wallet (iOS und Android)

Edge Wallet

The Edge Wallet is a Multi-Coin-Wallet, which is available for both Android and iOS. Besides Monero, it can manage 17 other cryptocurrencies and store their private keys. Among the mobile wallets, it is some of the few wallets that support XMR. A feature that sets the wallet apart from other competitors is the ability to transfer US dollars and euros to the wallet and buy Monero.

In addition, it has a good safety standard. This allows 2-factor authentication, a PIN and a Touch ID to be set up to protect the account. In addition, client-side encryption ensures that the private keys are always encrypted and protected against malware. Very practical for owners of several smartphones is also that the wallet can be used from several end devices. In addition, several wallets can be set up per account. Nevertheless, both the Cake Wallet and the Monerujo Wallet are safer.

However, if you are looking for a mobile multi-coin wallet for Monero, the Edge Wallet is the best choice as the Edge Wallet uses the MyMonero backend. To download the wallet, you can visit the official website of the Edge Wallet (click!).

Supported cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, Ripple/XRP, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Augur, Wings, Indorse, Zcoin, Feathercoin, DigiByte, Vertcoin, Bitcoin Gold, DAI, Stellar, Smartcash, Groestlcoin, Bitcoin SV, EOS.
One of the main focuses during the development of the Edge Wallet was the easy handling. The developers also succeeded in doing this very well.
Transparency & Fees
The Edge Wallet is completely anonymous. No personal or transactional information is transferred to the Company’s servers. In addition, the Edge Wallet is fully open source and has been tested by leading security experts such as the Open Bitcoin Privacy Project.
The Edge Wallet uses a special security model. Instead of giving users the usual seed phrase, users choose a username and password. Alternatively you can also activate the use of a seed.
Mobile wallets are partly even more recommendable for Monero than Desktop wallets, because especially the Cake Wallet offers a higher security standard than the MyMonero Desktop Wallet.

Nevertheless, the security level is lower than for hardware wallets, but higher than for online wallets. The advantage over the latter is that the private key is stored on the user’s smartphone.

The best Online wallets for Monero

Online wallets are the fastest wallets to set up as they do not require any installation or backup. Often the creation of an account is enough to be able to use the wallet with all its functions. This is also one of the main reasons why online is so popular, even though it basically offers the lowest level of security.

This is especially true for wallets on cryptocurrency exchanges, which offer the advantage that the user does not have to worry about anything (except sending). However, users transfer ownership of the private key and thus of the cryptocurrency to the trading platform. Since exchanges are a popular target for hackers, the user of the platform must fully trust that the cryptocurrencies are securely stored and protected.

Beyond the exchange wallet, there are also specific online wallets for Monero that offer much better protection than exchanges. In this category we would like to mention the very popular MyMonero Online Wallet, which we will introduce in more detail below. But first we would like to show you the (general) advantages and disadvantages of online wallets:

The advantages of Monero Online wallets:
✅Access from anywhere in the world where an Internet connection exists
✅ Exchange wallets enable trading out of the Wallet
✅ In the case of exchange wallets, there is no installation work required.
✅ You can define limits for maximum payouts per transaction.
✅ The user interface is often very simple and intuitive.
✅ Often very good customer support
The disadvantages of Monero Online wallets:
❌ Lower security standard than hardware and desktop and smartphone wallets
❌ The ownership of the Private Key is transferred to the trading platform.
❌ Greater likelihood of hacking or phishing attacks
❌ Some web wallet vendors have turned out to be scam in the past
The best Monero Online wallets
  1. MyMonero Web Wallet
  2. Binance

1.MyMonero Web Wallet

Mymonero wallet

The MyMonero Web Wallet is a web-based user interface that can be compared to the MyEtherWallet. Like the desktop and mobile versions, it is released by Monero’s core developers and is very popular within the Monero community. The big advantage of the Wallet is the very fast setup, which is done with a short registration, i.e. the creation of an account. All users need is a web browser and an internet connection.

As far as the security of the wallet is concerned, it should be noted that MyMonero basically offers good security and anonymity (to the same extent as the desktop and smartphone versions). Thus, no information is stored on the MyMonero servers. In addition, the private keys are stored exclusively encrypted in the web browser. The main point of attack that all web wallets have is the login. Hackers can create phishing websites that look identical to the original and steal access data and private keys.

Therefore, the MyMonero Web Wallet should be used for smaller amounts of XMR. For long-term storage of Monero, you should use a hardware wallet or other top recommendation from us. You can find the wallet on the official MyMonero website (click here!).

Supported cryptocurrencies
The MyMonero Wallet only supports Monero (XMR), as the name suggests.
The operation of the wallet is very simple and intuitive even for beginners. Because the MyMonero servers synchronize with the blockchain, the wallet is also very fast.
Transparency & Fees
The wallet is based on open source code that is accessible to everyone and has been publicly reviewed. There are no additional fees for the use of the Wallet.
Basically the MyMonero Wallet can be considered very secure. However, there are the two compromises regarding anonymity that we have already described in the desktop and mobile versions of the Wallet. In addition, the Web Wallet is vulnerable to phishing attacks.

2.Binance Wallet


As described at the beginning, exchange wallets should never be used for the storage of Monero (XMR), as they lose the anonymity that Monero offers by default. Generally speaking, exchange wallets offer the lowest level of security. Nevertheless, Binance can be a good choice if you consider Monero merely as an investment and the loss of anonymity is not important to you. Then Binance, as one of the world’s largest and most popular exchanges, can be a good option to trade over 150 cryptocurrencies, including Monero (XMR).

Apart from the lack of anonymity, you must also be aware that the Binance Wallet is an online wallet – with all the disadvantages we have described above. The private keys are owned by Binance and stored by the exchange. The security of your Monero is therefore in the hands of Binance. In May 2019, one of the biggest exchange hacks (after Mt. Gox) in the still young history of Bitcoin, when 7,000 BTCs were stolen by Binance, showed how insecure online wallets of exchanges are – even when it comes to renowned exchanges (such as Binance). Our urgent recommendation is therefore that you only use the Binance Wallet as long as you trade cryptocurrencies.

If you would like to register an account on Binance, you can do so via this link*.

Supported cryptocurrencies
Over 150 cryptocurrencies: All cryptocurrencies that can be traded at Binance can also be stored via the Web Wallet.
The handling of the platform can be a bit complicated and confusing for beginners. In our Binance Review we therefore explain in detail how you can make full use of the platform.
Transparency & Fees
Use of the Binance Wallets is free of charge. Trading fees are charged, as you can read in our Binance Review.
Binance is considered one of the safest exchanges in the world. However, you should only keep your Monero on the exchange as long as you are actively trading.

In the following we have summarized the most important aspects of the use of Web wallets:

Online wallets can be divided into two very different groups: Exchange Wallets and Monero specific developments. The former completely lose Monero’s anonymity, making their use completely unsuitable for private transactions. In addition, they have the significant disadvantage that you are not in possession of the private keys.

Monero specific online wallets (like MyMonero) have the advantage that you own the private keys. Nevertheless, the private keys are connected to the Internet. It is therefore very important that you install anti-virus software on your computer so that you do not become a victim of a hacker attack.

Basically you should remember that online wallets offer the least protection and should therefore not be used permanently.

Monero wallets with Sub-Adress function

Below you will find an overview of the wallets we have tested and whether they support sub-addresses:

Ledger Hardware Wallets (mit GUI Wallet)Hardware
Trezor Model T (mit GUI Wallet)Hardware
Monero GUIDesktop
MyMoneroDesktop, Web, Mobile
Cake WalletMobile (iOS)
MonerujoMobile (Android)
Edge WalletMobile (iOS und Android)
Binance WalletWeb

The best Monero Paper Wallet

Paper wallets are considered to be very secure in the Crypto community, as the Monero are “stored” offline on a sheet of paper. This makes them a good alternative to cold wallets, which are not free of charge. Since the password, address and private key are stored on a piece of paper, hackers cannot access these data.

If you want to send your Monero from your Wallet to another destination adress, you have to use a Web Wallet like MyMonero. Apart from that you can receive XMR anytime, even if you are offline. Therefore the sender just needs to know your XMR receiving adress.


Selecting a trusted Monero Paper Wallet Generator is the most important decision when using a Paper Wallet. The number of fraud cases and scams is very large.

Fake paper wallets often “camouflage” themselves with similar domains as reputable providers. If you fall for one of these scams, the creators of the website can easily send your Monero to their own wallet addresses using a private key. Therefore, please make sure that you only use reputable and well-known providers, such as

The advantages of Monero Paper wallets are:
✅ Storage of private keys offline
✅ Best suited for beginners
✅ Easy and fast to create
The disadvantages are as follows:
❌ Sending transactions is not possible with paper wallets
High danger of Scam! Only serious providers like should be used.
❌ Not 100% safe from hacker or phishing attacks (as soon as you use a web wallet so send your XMR to another adress) is the best known paper wallet service that generates Monero’s two private keys, a public address and a mnemonic seed for recovery. After the generation you can print the data and keep the note offline so that no hacker can gain access to your Monero (XMR).

When creating the Wallet, make sure that your PC is free of malware and that you visit the right website (danger of scam!)

Further important information about the Monero Wallet Test

The information in this article has been compiled by us to the best of our knowledge and experience. However, despite all efforts, you should always gather further information and test different wallets to find the best wallet for you.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our Monero Wallet review, please feel free to leave us a comment. We’ll be glad to help you! We would also be happy if you would give us a positive rating if you liked the article.


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This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. The content does not constitute a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any securities or financial instruments. Readers should conduct their own research and consult with financial advisors before making investment decisions. The information presented may not be current and could become outdated.

Jake Simmons was the former founder and managing partner at CNF. He has been a crypto enthusiast since 2016, and since hearing about Bitcoin and blockchain technology, he has been involved with the subject every day. Prior to Crypto News Flash, Jake studied computer science and worked for 2 years for a startup in the blockchain sector. Business Email: Phone: +49 160 92211628

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