• A new Cardano project has made it possible for people to take geotagged photos of trash in an area, label, and dispose of them to earn Littercoin.
  • This project is expected to reduce the longstanding littering problem by getting people involved while introducing them to the positive side of cryptocurrency.

Littering is a modern-day problem that was not an issue until the 1950s when manufacturers started producing littering-creating materials, including disposable products and packaging manufactured from materials like plastic. For the past couple of decades, 8 million tons of waste have been finding their way into the oceans annually. 

Research published by Keep America Beautiful establishes that the most commonly littered items are cigarette butts, food wrappers, plastic bottles, disposable cups, grocery bags, straws, beverage cans, and vehicle debris. The adverse effects on the environment are huge as 60% of water pollution is caused by litter. Additionally, 40% of litter is burned in the open air which releases toxic substances into the atmosphere.

The effects are dire, and in most cases, deadly. For instance, a million animals die annually from ingesting or being entrapped as a result of improper disposal of waste. 

Despite the individual and the organizational effort to stem out or even reverse the pollution that comes from litter, there is a serious lack of data, commitment, resources, and even more importantly incentive to do this.  Littercoin, a project built on Cardano is set to change the story.

Gather data and earn Littercoin

To eliminate littering and make the world better while getting involved in crypto, a Cardano project has made it possible for people to take geotagged photos of trash in an area, label, and dispose of them to earn Littercoin. Sean Lynch, the creator of OpenLitterMap (OLM) masterminded the whole scheme, taking a cue from the principle of crowdsourcing as well as open data to finding a solution. 

Through the introduction of the concept of proof of work to the production of Geographic Information, people can be earning Littercoin as they get involved in gathering data of the location of the world’s litter. This will onboard people into the Cardano network while getting them involved in citizen science. The project will not only cater to the challenge of littering, it will also onboard more people into crypto in a risk-free way. It will take away the complexity that comes with crypto, allowing the participation of people who do not know anything about blockchain technology. 

The long-term plan is to put Littercoin miners in touch with innovative zero-waste and circular economic startups, as well as local businesses.

Seeking to raise $50,000

Littercoin is seeking to raise funding to the tune of $50,000 for the crypto-oriented litter collection project.

First, a web developer would be needed to improve the web app at $4000 a month will be given to the developer to fix bugs and add new features. The three-month service will be $12,000. Also, mobile developers will be needed to upgrade the native app on android and IOS. This includes gamification and real-time object detection to improve the data collection experience. For three months of service, $4000 will be paid a month, making $12,000 for the period. 

Computer vision experts will be hired for three months with a monthly salary of $4000, making the total $12,000 for the entire period. Smart contract engineers will also be needed to migrate Littercoin from Ethereum to Cardano. The developer will be given $1000 to $2000 a month over a one or two months period. A graphic designer will be given $2000 a month over a two-month period to improve their branding while $2000 will be allocated to project management and $5000 to overheads or miscellaneous. 

Lynch believes that this project will change the bad reputation cryptocurrencies have had for years.

Cryptocurrencies have a bad reputation as being bad for the environment. But what if they could incentivize the most rapid production of global data and cleanup events the world has ever seen?

This project is expected to reduce the longstanding littering problem by getting people involved while introducing them to the positive side of cryptocurrency. 

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John is a seasoned cryptocurrency and blockchain writer and researcher, boasting an extensive track record of years immersed in the ever-evolving digital frontier. With a profound interest in the dynamic landscape of emerging startups, tokens, and the intricate interplay of demand and supply within the crypto realm, John brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. His academic background is marked by a Bachelor's degree in Geography and Economics, a unique blend that has equipped him with a multifaceted perspective. This diverse educational foundation allows John to dissect the geographical and economic factors influencing the cryptocurrency market, offering insights that go beyond the surface. John's dedication to the crypto and blockchain space is not merely professional but also personal, as he possesses a genuine passion for the technologies that underpin this revolutionary industry. With his astute research skills and commitment to staying at the forefront of industry trends, John is a trusted voice in the world of cryptocurrencies, helping readers navigate the complex and rapidly changing terrain of digital assets and blockchain innovation. John Kiguru is an accomplished editor with a strong affinity for all things blockchain and crypto. Leveraging his editorial expertise, he brings clarity and coherence to complex topics within the decentralized technology sphere. With a meticulous approach, John refines and enhances content, ensuring that each piece resonates with the audience. John earned his Bachelor's degree in Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services from the University of Nairobi. His academic background enriches his ability to grasp and communicate intricate concepts within the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. Business Email: Phone: +49 160 92211628

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