• According to the latest report, Japanese renowned Web3 company Turingum partners with MarketAcross.
  • Turingum clients may have access to several benefits including the PR and marketing expertise of MarketAcross. 

Tel Aviv, Israel / Tokyo, Japan (September, 2023)
Japan has been one of the most attractive markets for Web3 projects and practitioners. With active crypto users of 6.4 million as of 2022, the country is conducive to the growth of emerging technologies with a clear regulatory framework, higher user loyalty, and enviable purchasing power.

To leverage these merits and merge its Web3 ecosystem with the global industry, one of the leading blockchain PR & marketing firms, MarketAcross, has sealed a strategic partnership with a renowned Japanese Web3 company Turingum. The idea is to seize the opportunities in the fast-growing crypto world. 

More on the Turingum and MarketAcross Deal

It is important to note that Turingum’s primary focus is on „business consulting, tokenomics design, DeFi, and smart contract development.“ With this partnership, Turingum would unlock new opportunities through the expansion of its client base.

According to the press release, both companies seek to join hands to equip businesses with the necessary tools to make rational decisions in their attempt to enter the market. On top of that, Turingum’s customers may have access to the PR and marketing expertise of MarketAcross.

In this case, Japanese firms could take advantage of the brand reputation, influencer outreach, content marketing, social promotion, search engine optimization, and any other tool of MarketAcross needed to become a globally recognized brand. 

These same provisions, according to the report, have enabled the scaling of several crypto exchanges and blockchain projects. These include; Binance, Huobi, eToro, Polygon, Solana, etc. MarketAcross, on the other hand, would benefit from a long-term presence in Asia and increased access to PR and marketing opportunities for Japanese projects.

It is important to know that MarketAcross already has connections to the Japanese Web3 market. It emerged as an official media partner for the two most popular and biggest Web3 events in the country- WebX and IVS Crypto. During these events, it was in charge of the pre-and post-event marketing in addition to its PR role. As part of its efforts, MarketAcross promoted the event to a global audience and got some prominent speakers to participate. Currently, it is closely working with the leading public blockchain in Japan, Astar Network. 

Japan Prepared for Web3 Revolution

At the WebX conference in Tokyo, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida spoke about the dedication of the people of Japan to support Web3 projects. 

I hope that the Web3 industry will regain its attention and vitality and that various new projects will be born.

He further added that Web3 is the new form of capitalism. 

According to the CEO of EOS Foundation Yves La Rose, the comment from the prime minister is a confirmation that Asia is well embracing the Web3 ecosystem.

Here live at @WebX_Asia and @JPN_PMO Fumio Kishida just stated that Web3 is „the new form of capitalism.“ While the West continues to antagonize blockchain companies, Asia is welcoming us in with their arms wide open. In Asia, the future is bright for crypto!

With the country preparing to embrace the fast-evolving industry, the chairman of the Policy Research Council for the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan Koichi Hagiuda has disclosed that there are efforts to implement strict regulatory measures to protect investors.

For more information about MarketAcross, visit: Website | Twitter | LinkedIn



Itai Elizur




John ist ein erfahrener Autor im Bereich Kryptowährungen und der Blockchain-Techologie und kann auf Wissen aus zahlreichen Forschungsprojekte zurückgreifen, da er seit Jahren an zahlreichen Universitäten dezentrale Technologien erforscht. Mit seinem tiefgreifenden Interesse an der dynamischen Landschaft aufstrebender Startups, Token und dem komplizierten Zusammenspiel von Angebot und Nachfrage im Kryptobereich bringt John eine Fülle von Wissen auf den Tisch. Sein akademischer Hintergrund ist geprägt von einem Bachelor-Abschluss in Geographie und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, eine einzigartige Mischung, die ihn mit einer vielschichtigen Perspektive ausgestattet hat. Diese vielfältige Bildungsgrundlage ermöglicht es John, die geografischen und wirtschaftlichen Faktoren, die den Kryptowährungsmarkt beeinflussen, zu analysieren und Einblicke zu geben, die über die Oberfläche hinausgehen. Johns Engagement für den Krypto- und Blockchain-Bereich ist nicht nur beruflich, sondern auch persönlich, da er eine echte Leidenschaft für die Technologien besitzt, die dieser revolutionären Branche zugrunde liegen. Mit seinen scharfsinnigen Recherchefähigkeiten und seinem Engagement, an der Spitze der Branchentrends zu bleiben, ist John eine vertrauenswürdige Stimme in der Welt der Kryptowährungen, die den Lesern hilft, sich auf dem komplexen und sich schnell verändernden Terrain der digitalen Vermögenswerte und der Blockchain-Innovation zurechtzufinden.

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