The cryptomarket is massively boosting everywhere, as all the coins have managed to reach higher revenues. According to the latest news, Ethereum and Filecoin have won the race, as they have gained advantage from the bull market. For anyone who doesn’t know, a bull market plays a major role in the crypto currency market, as it attracts more investors, while surfing liquidity.

Such a feature makes it convenient for buyers and sellers to execute the transaction. Bull markets play a major role in encouraging the businesses to adopt several cryptocurrencies, making it more visible and attractive to the target audience. In addition to Ethereum and Filecoin value thriving, Gamestop Memes, has managed to gain 2 million US dollar presale in just 24 hours.

The new token has not seen the light of the day, and yet it has been attracting potential investors like bees. The significant growth shows that the meme token is bound for success. Let’s have a quick focus, how these three are different and what makes them an ideal investment.

GameStop Memes, Ethereum and Filecoin: Which One will Make You Money?

The future of cryptocurrency is bright, and before you decide to invest, here is a quick breakthrough of the current winners of the market, and which one would be a smart choice for a secure future.

GameStop Tokens is a type of cryptocurrency that was created with inspiration from renowned video game retailer, GameStop. It is an ideal pick for investors, who are searching for high-reward, high-return investments. The new meme tokens are reliable as they are traded on Decentralised exchange ( DEX). While having a high potential of returns, as they manage to gain hype easily through social media networks and online communities. It allows aspiring investors to enter the market with minimum investment, making it an ideal pick for the fast-paced market. Moreover, the tokens are bright and active, as they have high trading volume, massive social media presence and various applications made on its blockchain.

Ethereum is a decentralised platform that runs smart contracts. Decentralised finance (DeFi) applications have gained popularity in recent months, and Ethereum is the dominant platform for them. Due to the growing demand for Ethereum as a result, its price has skyrocketed. The contracts are self-executing contracts with the parameters of the agreement between the buyer and seller explicitly put into lines of code. Built for DeFi applications that are made on blockchain technology, keeping Ethereum’s price prediction, it is likely to benefit from this advantage.

Through Filecoin wallet, users can store their data on a peer-to-peer network using Filecoin, a decentralised storage network. Due to the growing demand for safe, decentralised data storage solutions, Filecoin has also profited from the bull market. FileCoin is a trustworthy choice to invest in, as it offers strict security measures. It offers decentralised storage, making it immune to hacking or digital theft.

The Reason Behind GameStop Memes Success

While Ethereum and Filecoin are quite popular in the crypto market, GameStop Memes has achieved a new standard, by gaining 2 million USD dollars within 24 hours. Even though the meme token is known to be volatile, the instant surge in the presale, showcases, it has potential similar to the former cryptos in the market. Overall the recent bull market, exhibits, that cryptocurrencies currently, has a higher value and investors are willing to invest, if they are promised a valuable ROI, similar to how GameStop does.





Steve ist seit 8 Jahren ein Blockchain-Autor und noch länger ein Krypto-Enthusiast. Am meisten begeistert er sich für die Anwendung von Blockchain zur Bewältigung der Herausforderungen von Entwicklungsländern.

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