ChatGPT has picked the three best altcoins that every investor should have as we get closer to the upcoming bull market. The three coins are Celestia, Pullix, and Ethereum Classic. Let us see what ChatGPT has to say about these coins.

Celestia (TIA) Price Forecast 

In October 2023, Celestia (TIA) launched after an airdrop. Ever since, it has lived up to its name, setting multiple all-time highs (ATHs) with an astounding 800% rise. With a spike of more than 9% over the past 30 days, the token has been among the best-performing digital assets.

On the monthly price chart, the altcoin is currently fluctuating between $10.91 and $20.26. ChatGPT has forecast further growth for Celestia in the future despite the recent price retracement.

The Celestia blockchain, in ChatGPT’s opinion, has enormous potential and will propel the token to new heights. In the upcoming months, a climb to $40.16 has been anticipated by ChatGPT.

Pullix (PLX): ChatGPT Anticipate 280% Gain in the Presale Stage 

Pullix (PLX), which is still in the pre-sales stage, is a trading platform that will allow users to trade various assets, including equities, commodities, and derivatives. Additionally, Pullix has carved out a niche for itself in the DeFi market as it facilitates OTC futures trading with cryptocurrency collateral. 

The platform’s transactions will be conducted using the ERC20 token PLX. Through trade execution and trading, users would receive incentives in PLX. But, the revenue-sharing concept of the PLX token is what sets it apart from the competition. Pullix is the pioneering exchange that offers token holders a chance to share in its earnings. 

Users can also earn continuing pass income by providing liquidity to our automated market makers. This is a significant advancement for the DeFi market since Pullix offers a stable revenue guarantee together with the ability for users to trade and earn incentives. 

The trading process has been made simpler by this platform. The platform’s straightforward and user-friendly design eliminates the need for technical understanding among traders. In Q1 2024, Pullix intends to launch the platform. For $PLX, ChatGPT projects a 25x growth at launch and a 280% increase in presale from its current price of $0.10. Consideration of Pullix’s ERC20 token is therefore warranted.

Ethereum Classic (ETH): ChatGPT Gives Bullish Forecast

Ethereum Classic (ETH), one of the top 30 cryptocurrencies in the market, has been fluctuating between Low $18.50 and $32.36 in the past month. 

The altcoin is trading at 4725.31%, away from its all-time low of $0.4524. While Ethereum has recently moved to the Proof of Stake concept, Ethereum Classic remains a PoW token.

Compared to Ethereum, Ethereum Classic is bullish on the 14-day and 30-day price charts, with gains of 13.0% and 5.8%. ChatGPT’s Ethereum Classic price prediction predicts that Ethereum Classic will rise by 10.32% to $24.55 in the coming months.

In Conclusion

Celestia, Pullix and Ethereum Classic are some of the best altcoins in the market today, as per ChatGPT. ChatGPT has chosen them because of their unique features and possible price hikes in months ahead.

For more information regarding Pullix’s presale see links below:

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