• Coinbase announces that it is supporting pre-launch markets on its International and Advanced platforms, and will be available for all users in eligible countries outside the UK, US, and Canada. 
  • According to the official announcement, the markets would be outside the control of Coinbase, however, it reserves the right to temporarily or permanently suspend or delist a token. 

Coinbase has officially announced that it would support pre-launch markets on its Coinbase International Exchange and Coinbase Advanced. This implies that users would have the luxury to trade new tokens before their official launch or release to the general public. 

Coinbase Introduces Pre-Launch Trading for Early Altcoin Access: Here's How You Can Profit

We’re excited to announce support for pre-launch markets on Coinbase International Exchange and Coinbase Advanced. Trade new tokens before they launch and participate in price discovery, all within a trusted and secure platform.— Coinbase International Exchange 🛡️ (@CoinbaseIntExch) June 17, 2024

Concerning the parameters of this market, Coinbase pledges that there would be strict leverage, position limits, and open interest caps on the markets. For now, the Initial Margin is capped at 50% with the Position Limit Size fixed at a $50K notional instrument limit. Also, the market can only be traded in portfolios that are enabled for pre-launch trading with instruments in “PRE_LAUNCH” mode subject to be traded in portfolios enabled in pre-launch trading. 

Pre-launch markets allow users to trade perpetual futures contracts on tokens that have not launched yet. When the underlying token is launched on applicable spot exchanges, the instrument converts to a standard perpetual contract. Pre-launch markets on Coinbase allow users to participate in price discovery for upcoming projects on a trusted and secure platform.

According to Coinbase, the pre-launch market is currently available to users living in eligible countries outside the US, UK, and Canada. 

More on the Pre-Launch Markets by Coinbase

Explaining this newly introduced market, Coinbase clarified that the pre-launch markets differ from standard perpetual futures markets. According to their blog post, the former possesses unique considerations and elevated risk and must be treated with caution. With this, it is worth noting that it has a different index price mechanism than standard perpetual futures. Also, it uses the 4-hour exponential moving average (EMA) of the marked price of the instrument for the Pre-Launch Index Price. 

Noteworthy, positions of pre-launch trading are not linked or assigned to the Liquidity Support Program (LSP) and, henceforth, would be at higher risk of Auto-Deleveraging compared to the standard perpetual futures. On top of that, the markets could be prone to lower liquidity, higher volatility, and increased liquidation risk as stated by Coinbase. 

Our review of this subject discloses that the pre-launch market would be outside the control of Coinbase. In this case, the underlying token may never be launched. In addition, the exchange at its discretion may temporarily or permanently suspend trading and delist the token from its platform at any time. On the other side, Coinbase may convert the pre-launch market to a standard perpetual future once the underlying asset is launched on any applicable spot exchange and meets its requirements. 

Outside of Coinbase’s control — the underlying token may never launch. If such a determination was made, the pre-launch market would not be able to convert into a standard perpetual futures market, and the market may need to be suspended and/or delisted.

According to the exchange, the pricing of the market would be strictly determined by the interaction of demand and supply by traders. Fascinatingly, this exciting news comes soon after Crypto News Flash reported that Coinbase has introduced perpetual futures contracts for Shiba Inu, Floki, and Bonk. To them, these are significant steps towards the expansion of the platform to the reach of a wider audience. 

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John is a seasoned cryptocurrency and blockchain writer and researcher, boasting an extensive track record of years immersed in the ever-evolving digital frontier. With a profound interest in the dynamic landscape of emerging startups, tokens, and the intricate interplay of demand and supply within the crypto realm, John brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. His academic background is marked by a Bachelor's degree in Geography and Economics, a unique blend that has equipped him with a multifaceted perspective. This diverse educational foundation allows John to dissect the geographical and economic factors influencing the cryptocurrency market, offering insights that go beyond the surface. John's dedication to the crypto and blockchain space is not merely professional but also personal, as he possesses a genuine passion for the technologies that underpin this revolutionary industry. With his astute research skills and commitment to staying at the forefront of industry trends, John is a trusted voice in the world of cryptocurrencies, helping readers navigate the complex and rapidly changing terrain of digital assets and blockchain innovation. John Kiguru is an accomplished editor with a strong affinity for all things blockchain and crypto. Leveraging his editorial expertise, he brings clarity and coherence to complex topics within the decentralized technology sphere. With a meticulous approach, John refines and enhances content, ensuring that each piece resonates with the audience. John earned his Bachelor's degree in Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services from the University of Nairobi. His academic background enriches his ability to grasp and communicate intricate concepts within the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. Business Email: Phone: +49 160 92211628

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