As Uwerx scaled past its first to third presale stages in record time, many investors became convinced that this new project would be the crypto to beat in the market. Thanks to its innovative features, Uwerx is gearing up to start providing more value to freelancers and money to investors.

Due to its impressive ongoing presale, many analysts are optimistic about the future of Uwerx and see it ranking among the top cryptocurrencies in the coin market.

This article will examine what Uwerx offers freelancers and their investors. But first, we will discuss the latest improvements that Optimism (OP) and Chainlink (LINK) are making in the coin market.

Optimism (OP) Continues to Compete

Since Optimism (OP) debuted in the coin market, it has competed with other Ethereum scaling solutions. One of its main competitors is Polygon (MATIC), but lately, Arbitrum (ARB) and zkSync have joined the race.

Optimism (OP) has recorded a few wins, though. After launching its mainnet in 2022, deploying over 7,000 contracts, onboarding more than 300,000 unique addresses, and securing almost $1 billion in value, the coin has proven to be a big player among its competitors.

There is a new win for Optimism (OP). The team recently announced that Worldcoin’s World ID and World App would soon be on the Optimism (OP) Mainnet. This is a big win for Optimism (OP) because Worldcoin had initially chosen Polygon (MATIC) as its launchpad but has now aligned with Optimism (OP).

Worldcoin hopes that this partnership will enhance the scalability of the World App and enable faster and more cost-effective transactions for its users. Optimism (OP) has also announced that Chainlink (LINK) is now live on Optimism (OP).

Despite these new developments, Optimism (OP) has declined by 0.91% in the last 24 hours. Its current price is $1.66, and the circulating supply is 335,376,391. Analysts predict the coin to reach $2.99 by Q1 2024.

Will Chainlink (LINK) Price Bounce Back Soon?

Despite a 0.98% increase to $6.68 in the past seven days, Chainlink (LINK) holders are still determining if the coin is preparing for a steady rise in value.

Following its recent partnership with Aave (AAVE), Spark Protocol, and Prime Protocol, Chainlink (LINK) has managed to stay afloat in the coin market. This is partly thanks to Chainlink (LINK) announcing these partnerships on social media, which spiked investors’ interest.

This week, Chainlink (LINK) partnered with BNB Chain, Ethereum Foundation, MoonBean Network, and Polygon to integrate Chainlink (LINK) services into these projects.

With many large banks looking to create more advanced applications on-chain, Chainlink (LINK) is poised to provide them with a single, tamper-proof, universal interface to access Web3. Analysts believe that if social sentiment towards Chainlink (LINK) continues to grow, it could reach $11.81 within Q1 2024.

Uwerx’s (WERX) Value Keeps Climbing

By charging just a 1% service fee as opposed to the 20% charged by traditional platforms, Uwerx aims to benefit freelancers and help them earn more. It will offer them better transparency, incentives, unparalleled security, and more.

The team has set out 77,500,000 WERX tokens for this stage, and it is selling fast. Before the start of the presale, the Uwerx team had released 300,000,000 tokens for the presale. This is 40% of the total supply of 750,000,000 WERX tokens. But after seeing the increasing demand for WERX tokens and the speed of sales, the team increased presale allocation to 57% (427,500,000 tokens).

They also introduced a fifth presale stage with 72,500,000 tokens available. To show that they put their investors’ interest above theirs, the Uwerx team reduced the founding members’ token allocation from 8% to 7%. Uwerx has also reduced the purchase bonus from 25% to 20%. The launch price for Uwerx has been increased to $0.095 – $0.115.

After reviewing data and company feedback, Uwerx has reduced partnership incentives to 3%. User performance incentives have also been reduced to 5% to avoid long-term downward selling pressure. The joining incentives have been increased to 6.5% (prev. 4.5%). This was done to maximize attractiveness and new sign-ups to the Uwerx platform.

After considering that 98.2% of the Uwerx community voted for a Test Airdrop, the team has decided to do it as it would help users know if they entered their Receiving Wallet addresses correctly.

Uwerx developers have made security-related decisions to assure investors that their funds are safe. First, Uwerx has passed audits from SolidProof and InterFi ahead of the presale. The team placed a 25-year liquidity lock on developers’ tokens, which was scheduled to start after presales.

Following a poll where 82.8% of the Uwerx community voted to have the lock start during the ongoing presale, the team has decided to lock it before the end of the presale. The date for this will be communicated later.

Additionally, the team has promised to renounce smart contract ownership of Uwerx once it becomes listed on centralized platforms. The team has also introduced the Uwerx Vault, where users can save their tokens for a desired duration.

Crypto experts believe that based on Uwerx’s features, the project could reach $2 within Q4 2023. On the other hand, since the team promised to release the Alpha version of the Uwerx platform in a few days, we believe it will attract even more investors. The project currently boasts 5,000 sign-ups; you too, can become one.

The team has just announced they will release the landing page and sign-up/sign-in pages of the Uwerx platform by May 19, 2023. They will also release the Beta version and other features on a weekly/bi-weekly basis while incorporating community feedback.

Get a glimpse into the future through parts of the Alpha version already unveiled, and stay tuned as the highly anticipated Beta version is just around the corner. Here’s an interesting fact: the WERX price is set to surge from $0.0315 to $0.041 on Friday, 2nd June at 15:00 UTC. The cherry on top?

The current 20% purchase bonus, which is soon dropping to 15%. Here’s your chance to leverage the attractive price of $0.0315 per WERX, enhanced by the generous bonus. As the saying goes, timing is everything in investments.

Get started on your journey with Uwerx today by following the links below.





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This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. The content does not constitute a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any securities or financial instruments. Readers should conduct their own research and consult with financial advisors before making investment decisions. The information presented may not be current and could become outdated.

John Kiguru is an accomplished editor with a strong affinity for all things blockchain and crypto. Leveraging his editorial expertise, he brings clarity and coherence to complex topics within the decentralized technology sphere. With a meticulous approach, John refines and enhances content, ensuring that each piece resonates with the audience. John earned his Bachelor's degree in Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services from the University of Nairobi. His academic background enriches his ability to grasp and communicate intricate concepts within the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. Business Email: Phone: +49 160 92211628

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